Monday 30 May 2011

Positive Thinking Pitfalls

If you believe everything you read about positive thinking and the law of attraction, you could be for given for thinking that all you had to do was think positively and whatever you wanted would drop into your lap.

As citizen's of the real world all know, this is not Positive Thinking; it is just Blind Optimism.

Take a look at my blog Positive Thinking you will see an animated video that explains it all perfectly

whilst you are looking at the blog you will find many more articles and posts that will help you to achieve what you want my all means available to you including positive thinking visit the blog by clicking here

Enjoy and prosper


Thursday 19 May 2011

Make Friends With Money

Today I have a gift for all my readers

This is an article I previously posted on my main blog  How 2 Help Yourself

One of my most inspiring mentors; Maggy Whitehouse, held a One Hour seminar recently

Picture of Maggy Whitehouse. Background is gre...

Image via Wikipedia

Introduction to the Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.

She has produced an MP3 of this and you can get your hands on it for free from her website or from the link above, no opt-in required.

Maggy is an inspiring author, TV and radio journalist, and a thoroughly good egg! As she describes herself on her blog:

“Prosperity mentor, author, journalist, workshop leader, dog walker, horse rider, drinker of champagne, eater of good chocolate, lover of roses, peonies, sweet peas, sunsets, Tuscany, beagles, Koi carp, cooking—and her husband, Lion.

I’ve survived an encounter with an eight foot barracuda off the Barrier Reef, being swept down a river in full flood and being trapped on a narrow bridge in front of an oncoming Chinese train. I’ve ridden on the back of a tiger, emigrated to Montana, USA for a whole 11 months, been made redundant and I’ve been both widowed and divorced.”

As you can see, Maggy has lived life to the full and her Prosperity Teachings reflect this.  She has currently just completed week 3 of a 6 week course which I find fascinating:

HeartWork – Transform your hearts desire into a successful, prosperous business

Please feel free to follow any of the links in this article, no opt-in required.

For the link to Maggy’s free webinar Click Here

None of the links in this post are affiliate links; I get no monetary benefit from promoting Maggy’s courses.  I promote them because I believe in them; they work for me and if you let them, they will work for you!

Let Maggy tell you herself in this video:

Maggy Whitehouse – Pure Prosperity video

Remember to stay upto date by clicking the RSS feed on 
My Blog  How2HelpYourself

Enjoy and Prosper


Sunday 6 February 2011

Change Your Behaviour by Changing Your Thoughts

Whilst searching The Web for useful information to include in my blog I came across this article


It suggests the best way to get rid of bad habits by changing your thoughts

Its a bit like "Think and Grow Better Behaviour"

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Are Antibiotics Causing Your Yeast Infections?

If you use antibiotics yeast infections may be in your future. It is a simple fact that the use of antibiotics is a major cause of yeast infections. It does not matter which antibiotic you use or why you use it. All antibiotics will produce conditions inside the body that are ideal for the growth of Candida yeast infections.

Antibiotics serve a very valuable purpose. Doctors are anxious to prescribe them for many illnesses and, when used appropriately, they can save lives. The purpose of antibiotics is to kill bacteria and they do it very well. In fact, they sometimes do it too well. By killing all bacteria they not only kill the dangerous bacteria but also the friendly helper bacteria that keep the body healthy. That is when the problems start.

Antibiotics are prescribed so often that some people have taken many courses over their lifetime. This frequent use causes a build-up of antibiotics in the body and makes it hard for the good bacteria to survive. The body also can become dependent upon antibiotics to kill infection.

Everyone’s body contains friendly bacteria that are needed by the body to defend against attacks by unfriendly bacteria and fungus. These friendly bacteria live naturally in our intestinal tracts. If something such as an antibiotic destroys the friendly bacteria, the body’s natural defense system is destroyed and bad bacteria, fungus, and yeast infections are allowed to grow out of control.

Candida yeast also lives naturally in our intestinal tracts. In a healthy body the yeast does no harm and, in fact, serves a useful purpose. However, it must be kept under control or it will turn into a yeast infection. The yeast is kept under control by the friendly bacteria. When antibiotics destroy the friendly bacteria there is nothing left to keep the yeast from multiplying. When the yeast multiplies and grows out of control it mutates into a fungus and all the horrible yeast infection symptoms begin.

It is possible to break the antibiotic cycle and restore the body’s ability to fight off yeast infections. We first have to remove the yeast that has been allowed to grow out of control. After the yeast is removed we must bring the body back into balance by establishing an internal environment that will allow friendly bacteria to live. Only after we have done these things can we reintroduce the friendly bacteria that have been destroyed by the antibiotics.

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